Galatians Lesson 10a: A Tale of Two Sons (Gal. 4:21-5:1)


Sunday School 9:30 AM Morning Service 10:45 AM Afternoon Service 2:30pm Wednesday Night 7:00 PM

Apr. 14, 2024

Having abandoned grace for the Law, the Galatian Christians really didn’t know exactly what they had gotten themselves into. This is why Paul asks them in Galatians 4:21, “Tell me, you who desire to be under the Law, do you not listen to the Law [or, hear what the Law says]?” To help educate them, Paul provides a final argument from the Pentateuch itself (i.e., the Law section of the Old Testament) in his defense of the gospel of grace alone through faith alone — an example of two sons (4:21-31). Paul shares a literal story and uses it as an illustration to climax his gospel guardianship.

  Gal. Lesson 10a Handout