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We Believe...


Sunday School 9:30 AM Morning Service 10:45 AM Afternoon Service 2:30pm Wednesday Night 7:00 PM

Our Purpose

The purpose of First Baptist Church is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ for the redemption of sinners; to administer the New Testament ordinances, Baptism and the Lord's Supper; to encourage spiritual growth of its members; and to promote world evangelism.

We Believe...

1. In the verbal plenary inspiration of the old and new testament.

2. God in three persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit; the new birth in Christ alone.

3. Baptism is by immersion for believers only.

4. The eternal security of the believer.

5. The Lord's supper as a memorial.

6. Six creation days of twenty-four hours each.

7. The bodily resurrection of Christ and His bodily ascension into heaven where He now intercedes for believers.

8. The pre-tribulation rapture of all believers.

9. The pre-millennial return and millennial reign of the Lord Jesus Christ.

10. The judgement.

11. The reality of heaven and hell.

12. The local church as God's institution to carry out the Great Commission.

13. The obligation of every believer to live a holy life and witness to the lost of the saving power of Christ.

That salvation is...

14. The gift of God brought to man by grace and received by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
